Friday, May 1, 2009

The Splitting Anemones

This morning I went to check on the Aquarium, as I do every morning. Fleakiller (remember her from the "Death during prime time" episode?) was hanging out on the back wall. Nothing unusual there. It was a little elongated, true, but I thought nothing of it.

Not till I came back an hour or two later. There was a new little anemone off to the side. Fleakiller had split in two! So this is how they reproduce. I call Andres and he confirmed it. It's called "lateral fission". That explains how the three original anemones I had unknowingly brought in on what I now call Anemone Rock, are now 5 on the back wall and 4 on the Rock. It also explains why Killer was stretched out so thin.

My only regret is that I don't have a time-lapse underwater camera.

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